Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz

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  1. Gabe Strybos
    June 8, 2014, 2:51 am

    Is there any way to put a stop to the trips like Malie made to Mexico on Spring Break Two air plains that went to Mexico with 12 other girls and 14 Secrete Service people.

    If the trip happen then it needs to be on CNN and Fox.


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  2. Constance Paynter
    June 13, 2014, 10:25 pm

    In light of recent events.i.e. Releasing 5 key Taliban prisoners and the blatant refusal to act in Iraq regarding the recent outbreak of violence instead of ‘play golf and think about it’, can we do anything to protect this country and America? Dick Cheney just commented on Fox News this pm that action could be taken without putting our troops in harms way. Help!

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  3. AmericanCitizen
    June 24, 2014, 12:24 am

    Senator Cruz’s brave fight against Obamacare is admirable and I cannot wait till 2016 when it is repealed.

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  4. James Wheetley
    July 10, 2014, 9:50 pm

    I am interested in becoming involved with the children coming across the border. I have located a property in Houston Texas. It is 2.3 acres. It has two older building on the property. One is a church building the other might be called a recreation hall. I will need to have financing and I would need to have some of the staff to help me. I am a people person. I have a masters in counseling and a four year degree in Accounting. I have years of counseling experince. Also, I have years of pastoral experiance. I now do mission work in Africa. but, I am based in La Porte, Texas. I am in Texas now I can help if you will allow it. Don’t let big government get in the way.
    James A. wheetley 8526 Oak Haven Road La Porte, Texas 77571. 281 476-9312

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  5. Thomas F. Soriano
    July 14, 2014, 5:13 pm

    Exactly what are you doing about the armed invasion and takeover of Sarita, Texas?

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  6. juan hernandez
    October 19, 2014, 1:51 am

    I…. hi ans sorry to have to wright all of you again . but i have a matter that need attention . and every one of you refuse me to representative Diaz, Jose Felix with refugees to met with me to see how i can try to fix a problem , with the department of health , and help disabled people like me now i Am use voice and i am not able to filled out forms ,i use to have my mom do it for me but my brother pass away on july 4 last year and she is read shook about it and the whold family .so i try not to ask for help on this or to fill out compliant form on doctor that abuse there position .now that i have been talking with a lot of people in the department of health and how thay taks compliant and followed up on then .well this that a wast of money
    first as youknow i can;t fill the form out 2 thay don;t investigation 99% of the compliant thay get even tho you have to fill this out and pay for the paper you fill out to get notarized and mail is with sign request i can tell you that my mom hast done that a lot of times for what to receiving and fild that make me sick to my stomach , know that so many people get abuse
    and one of there ways to report this is misleading the people of this state , now the first time i wrote you was to try to get abill pass so all that not able to fill out this forms can say there instance ware thay get a abuse by the medical system with happen 24/7 i my self wasxin the hospital on the 15 i received a very bad head trama and my vision is comeing and going and my head is swelling well wile i was there i received a medical i am very alleged to and with my head tram my doctor say miracle you did die cause after thay gave the medical am alleged to the nurse was my consider about the phone calhe was on that me my mom wint up to him and told him imy son is have a alleged reaction and at that time i call here cause she was gone for 20 minutes well the nurse say well he can talk so there must not be anything wrong with him well she came back to the room and say let go to the er in the same hospital after so world ware wre sad that ask me to live even tho i was have a reaction so my mom took me to a different lisewith i think that the government made so hard that doctor can abuse anyone thay want and get away with it or kill anyone thay want to . i will wright agan and see if that department has start to ack like human and not 2 years old kids i do hope you do read this case i am going to send this email to a million people and i hope that will make you ask on this and do the right thing that all iam asking is that to much for for the position you hold as representative of the people in you county well it was for jose diaz felix and it not that hecdid have the time he refuse to met with me . i shure hope he don;t get elected i know not one of my famaly or any one that know won;t vote fore him a representative of the what every one tell me at lies he did lose 18000 vote i hope that make him lose we need people with respect in government position and i know i not from your stata but this is a nation wide matters that has to be address and not look over it happen in ever city and town . so please do think not just me but all the disabled people out there that live in the lowest income there is case thay hade life change to the point that . thay can’t spake up in some case a lot of people just give up or is that what you like to here am should the family did want to lose a love one case thay lost there self respect from the system and doctor just get tired of see that person and put in a spot that not even dog get treated that way am should you city nas the same problem and or just over look case no one speak up will i not afraid to speak up and i do stat for reform in the medical system and the people that are put in a position to help dut as in fl some fool pice a place hell with the rest of the people i do hope you have a heart and can see what i am asking
    thank you juan hernandez

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